Mon-Sat 8am–5pm | Sun 9am–12nn

8817 National Highway Batong Malake,

Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines 4030

Embracing the Beauty of Breastfeeding with HealthServ Los Baños Medical Center’s “Happy si Baby Dahil Breastfed ni Mommy” Photo Contest

At HealthServ Los Baños Medical Center, we are committed to supporting and celebrating every mother’s breastfeeding journey. In line with this commitment, we are thrilled to announce our “Happy si Baby Dahil Breastfed ni Mommy” Photo Contest—a unique opportunity for breastfeeding mothers to share their stories, break the stigma surrounding breastfeeding, and stand a chance to win amazing prizes!

Why Breastfeeding Matters

Breastfeeding is more than just nourishing a baby; it is a powerful bond that fosters emotional connection, provides essential nutrients, and lays the foundation for a lifetime of health benefits. The act of breastfeeding is a testament to a mother’s love and dedication, contributing not only to the physical well-being of the child but also to their emotional and psychological development.



In our society, however, breastfeeding is often met with misconceptions and unnecessary stigmatization. Many mothers feel pressured to hide this natural and beautiful act, leading to a sense of isolation and insecurity. At HealthServ Los Baños Medical Center, we believe that it’s time to change this narrative. We want to empower mothers to breastfeed with pride and confidence, knowing that they are giving their children the best possible start in life.



The “Happy si Baby Dahil Breastfed ni Mommy” Photo Contest

To celebrate the essence of breastfeeding and to encourage mothers to embrace their role as nurturers, we are launching the “Happy si Baby Dahil Breastfed ni Mommy” Photo Contest. This contest invites breastfeeding mothers to capture and share a moment of their breastfeeding journey, showcasing the beauty and joy that comes with nurturing a child.



How to Participate

Participation in the contest is simple and open to all breastfeeding mothers. Here’s how you can join:


  1. Capture the Moment: Take a photo of yourself breastfeeding your baby. The photo must capture the act of breastfeeding, as our goal is to normalize breastfeeding and help break any stigma surrounding it. Whether your baby is an infant or an older child, as long as your child is still breastfeeding, your entry is valid. We encourage you to submit recent photos that reflect your ongoing breastfeeding journey.
  2. Write a Touching Caption: Along with your photo, include a caption that shares or comments on your breastfeeding experience. We want to hear about the joys, challenges, and unique aspects of your journey—stories that can inspire and empower other mothers who may be facing similar experiences.
  3. Submit Your Entry: Post the photo on your Facebook page or account. Like the HealthServ Los Baños Medical Center Facebook page, and then tag us in your post. Finally, comment with the link to your post in the comment section of our contest announcement post.


Important Reminders

  • Make Your Post Public: Don’t forget to make your entry/photo post public so that we can view and judge your submission.
  • Hashtags Matter: Include the hashtags #AlagangHealthServ and #MotherBabyFriendlySaHealthServ in your post to be eligible for the contest.
  • Eligibility: The contest is open to all breastfeeding mothers. By submitting a photo, you acknowledge that HealthServ Los Baños Medical Center may use your photo for Breastfeeding Awareness campaigns on social media.


Criteria for Judging

To ensure a fair and comprehensive evaluation of all entries, the following criteria will be used in judging the photos:

  1. Photo Impact (40%): The emotional and visual impact of the photo—how well it captures the essence of breastfeeding.
  2. Relevance to the Theme (30%): How well the photo and caption align with the theme of breastfeeding and the goal of normalizing it.
  3. Social Engagement (15%): The level of engagement your post receives on social media, including likes, shares, and comments.
  4. Creativity (15%): The originality and creativity of the photo and caption—how unique and inspiring your entry is.


Exciting Prizes Await!

We know that every mother’s breastfeeding journey is unique, and we want to reward your efforts in capturing and sharing these special moments. The “Happy si Baby Dahil Breastfed ni Mommy” Photo Contest offers the following prizes:

  • Grand Prize: Php5,000.00
  • 2nd Place: Php3,000.00
  • 3rd Place: Php2,000.00


Winners will be announced on Monday, September 30, 2024. This is your chance to win big while sharing your beautiful breastfeeding story with the world!


Why Join the Contest?

Beyond the exciting prizes, participating in this contest is a powerful way to contribute to a larger movement. By sharing your breastfeeding journey, you become an advocate for breastfeeding mothers everywhere. Your story could inspire another mother who is struggling with breastfeeding or who feels the pressure to hide her nursing experience. Together, we can create a community of support, understanding, and empowerment.



At HealthServ Los Baños Medical Center, we believe that every breastfeeding journey is a story worth telling. Through this contest, we hope to create a platform where these stories can be shared, celebrated, and cherished. We are proud to stand with mothers in promoting the benefits of breastfeeding and in breaking down the barriers that prevent them from nursing with confidence.



Join Now and Celebrate Breastfeeding!

The “Happy si Baby Dahil Breastfed ni Mommy” Photo Contest is more than just a competition—it’s a celebration of motherhood, love, and the incredible journey of breastfeeding. We invite all breastfeeding mothers to join us in this movement by participating in the contest and sharing your story.



To join, simply scan the QR code on the contest poster or visit for more details. We can’t wait to see your beautiful entries and to celebrate the amazing work that you do every day as breastfeeding mothers.



Remember, breastfeeding is a powerful act of love, and your story deserves to be told. Join the contest today, and let’s make a difference together!



#HappySiBaby #BreastfeedingAwareness #AlagangHealthServ #MotherBabyFriendlySaHealthServ #HealthServLosBaños